5 Jun, 2020

How Electric Vehicles Can Help the Environment and Your Pocket?

The outbreak of coronavirus has forced countries to go on lockdown. This restricted people to stay at home, and then, the progress that the climate showed is worth mentioning. As we are celebrating World Environment Day, let’s shift our focus on all the positive impacts that this pandemic has offered to nature. There is no denying that this chaos has a vast effect on the human race, but needless to say, nature has bounced back.

Now, people are able to observe the clear, blue sky; the release of CO2 has decreased; the air around us which was toxic to breathe is now safe to inhale, the Himalayan Mountain Range is clearly visible for first time in almost 30 years from the Indian state of Punjab, the Ozone layer is healing itself, and many such facts have flooded our notification bar in the past few months. 

So, what’s the reason behind it? We believe less pollution.

The major impact which our environment faces is rising temperature, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels, which happen majorly due to the carbon emission caused by fuel-run vehicles.

So, what’s the solution? Well, you can play your part safely. Choose a thrilling ride that won’t cost nature.

Switch to Electric Vehicles

Electric bikes can become one of the solutions to help our nature survive. Joy e-bike presents you zero-emission vehicles that won’t cost our planet. You can choose from our 8+ electric bikes and take a step ahead in contributing to the well-being of our planet in style. 

If you are looking forward to joining the bandwagon, then you would like to go through Joy e-bike’s vehicles in India 2020:

Electric Vehicles – A Boon To Nature

There are a plethora of benefits of e-bikes over conventional petrol/diesel vehicles.

Let’s check out some.

No More Harmful Emissions

When you prefer to ride an electric vehicle, you are choosing to reduce the release of carbon footprint. As compared to other conventional vehicles that run on fuels, e-bikes run differently. E-bikes are considered as zero-emission vehicles that use batteries to run and prevent the release of harmful emissions.

Use of Renewable Energy

The batteries of e-bikes can be recharged by the use of renewable energy. It is as simple as charging your smartphones. Plug-in, switch on, and leave. The next day you are ready to use it. By using renewable energy to recharge your electric vehicles (EV), the greenhouse gas emissions are reduced even further. Also, solar photovoltaic systems and Green Power will work great to recharge.

Long-Lasting Batteries

The batteries used in e-bikes are similar to the one used in cars and are easily replaceable and disposable. These batteries are lithium-ion, which does not contain lead. Hence, it does not harm the environment. Using batteries to enjoy a thrilling ride will produce little waste, last long, and are replaced after many years. 

Less Damage to Roadways

Electric bikes are lighter in weight than other heavy means of transportations like buses, trucks, etc. As a result, it saves roadways from the damages. Whenever heavy vehicles damage the roads, the high emissions machines are used to repair it, which adds on to the pollution, and can harm the environment. Hence, by using electric vehicles (EV), you will help in reducing such damages.

Electric Vehicles encourages savings

Cheaper to Maintain

Joy e-bikes are affordable electric scooters that are perfect for day to day use with very little maintenance. Electric vehicles run on battery. Hence, it has less moving parts, which reduces your maintenance cost. You will pay for little servicing. No money will be spent to repair radiators, silencers, motors, etc.

Cheaper to Run

Half of the citizens’ concerns are about the rising prices of petrol and diesel. Why not ditch this concern forever? Riding electric two-wheelers are best and affordable for your pockets. Like Joy e-Bike Mihos goes up to 130 km on a single charge. If needed, you can use handy calculators available on the internet to calculate your savings. 

The Cherry on The Cake

As EV owners, some other savings that will fall in your favor is that you are exempted from paying on registration or any kind of stamp-duty. No license, No registration, and Eco-friendly, what else would you call good news?

The high-performance model Joy e-bike was one of the much-awaited in our series. The bike requires all the necessary documents, as it is as good as any fuel-powered bike in the market.

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